We need to take action.

Letter of CEO Johannes Plass

Despite the economic upheaval, we cannot afford to ignore sustainability. Mutabor can and will use this challenge to find sustainable solutions through innovation and inventiveness.

That is why we are recalibrating our inner compass and are going down unknown and uncomfortable paths, torn between consuming and renouncing, in the context of energy, mobility, economic, and social crises.

We see this challenge as an opportunity to shape a future that we do not yet know. This is not about bans. It’s about clever and consensual concepts that achieve what is required.

If we integrate sustainability into every development step of our creative thinking, if we transfer good ideas to all our clients, we will change things for the better.

As a brand, Mutabor stands for a clear sustainability agenda. Since 2019, we have had our self-imposed goals externally certified and have achieved silver status with Ecovadis twice in a row.

These awards are not an end in themselves. They are the guidelines we use to set an example for others.

Our clients are on the move, too. We use our strategic expertise and creative power to strengthen brands for the long term and make sustainable transformation visible.

Therefore, sustainability will be an integral part of our work in the future. If we live this spirit and pass it on to our clients, we can make a big difference. Let’s go!